If you thought the only ammunition you needed was paintballs then you are sadly mistaken. Missions and scenarios these days are becoming more and more complex with the use of pyrotechnic devices increasing all the time.
Although not essential, paint grenades and smoke bombs can really add to the Go Ballistic experience so try and be creative with their use!
Paintball gameplay is fast becoming what can be described as up close and personal. Zones are throwing players together much quicker these days and it’s not long before you can see the whites of the enemy’s eyes.
With that in mind, smoke bombs and paint grenades can come into a league of their own. Smoke bombs can burn for up to minute, producing enough smoke for you to either make a hasty retreat or move forward under cover. It’s entirely up to you!
Paint grenades, meanwhile, can throw liquid out over a five metre range so are ideal for multiple eliminations when you’re raiding bunkers. These devices really bring something new to the paintball arena, so make sure you stock up before leaving the comfort of the safe area behind.